Friday 19 April 2013

Ways We Learn


Welcome to my Blog 'Ways We Learn'.

Its a simple title, "so what's it all about?"

OK....Think of the word education......
....and now think of a place where we learn, a context for learning if you like.
got it?
Did you think of a place that looked a little like this?

All lined up in rows in a classroom.
Or maybe you thought of something like this

Which looks a bit more fun but its still a classroom.
Often when we think of learning we think of children in classrooms, or our own past education, with our wise figure head at the front of the room imparting their knowledge upon us. When in fact learning is taking place throughout all ages, throughout our lives and in a variety of different contexts.
In this blog we will be looking at some of these contexts for learning, or if you like , the 'Ways We Learn'
Firstly we will take a look at adult learning and how that differs from the ways we learn as children, followed by a glance at some of the different contexts used by schools to develop their pupils interpersonal skills and love for learning. Then in the final blog we will take a look at how Montessori schools promote self discipline.
Watch the videos, follow some links and enjoy this brief exploration of some of the 21st centuries contexts for learning.

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